4 Tips for Long Lasting Crawl Space Vapor Barrier & Insulation Installation

No matter whether you’re installing a vapor barrier, insulation, or both in your crawl space, the way you use these products will make a huge difference in their longevity and performance.

Read on to learn our four top tips for long lasting insulation and vapor barrier installation in your crawl space.


Vapor barriers are excellent for blocking moisture and allowing for storage within your crawl space. They don’t take the place of dehumidifiers or sump pumps, but are a must when dealing with elevated crawl space moisture levels.

1. Keep your home moisture-free.

When thinking about water removal, that doesn’t just mean your crawl space; but also the space surrounding it. If you have issues with standing water or excess moisture in your crawl space, look to several possible causes outside of the home.

First, double check all downspouts leading away from your gutters send water at least 4-6 feet from the house. In addition, grading of your soil should slope away from the home to ensure water doesn’t pool around the foundation.

2. Measure twice, cut once.

Not all crawl spaces were created equally, but it’s no secret that most are relatively tight spaces and certainly not where you want to cut your moisture barrier. Instead, take exact measurements (and double check them!) and cut your barrier once outside.

Many people find it helpful to sketch a quick drawing of the crawl space, along with a barrier placement plan to make certain there are little to no wasted vapor barrier products.

3. Create as few seams as possible.

Even though you’ll be using high quality tape to adhere your crawl space vapor barrier, you want to be mindful of the number of the seams you create. The fewer seams, the less chance unwanted water vapor can enter your crawl space.

When creating seams, you can seal seams together with your tape or overlap the barriers by up to four feet. We recommend, however, that you have continual coverage on any foundation walls.

Wholesale Crawl Space Moisture & Vapor Barriers


Gone are the days where traditional fiberglass batt insulation is used in crawl spaces. They are often a recipe for disaster in an area that is so predisposed to moisture issues to begin with. Fiberglass insulation will quickly disintegrate and become a breeding ground for mold.

4. Install insulation made for crawl spaces.

If you’re replacing or installing insulation in your crawl space, the best tip we can give you is to use a product made for the space.

Rigid foam or blanket insulation solutions are the best options to ensure longevity, significantly lower opportunity for mold growth, and even an added moisture barrier if using the Insul-Barrier Foundation Blanket.

Following these 4 tips will mean you’ll save valuable time and vapor barrier and insulation products during your crawl space work.

And if you need to support your business with quality wholesale crawl space products, The Crawlspace Supply Company is here to help!


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